Thursday, February 26, 2009


Okay, so it's not quite here yet. But it's coming. It was in the mid-eighties today. It's a little early to smell the grass, and there aren't any wild flowers out yet. But the trees in the neighborhood have started coming back. Soon it will be time to start thinking about a garden and what I want to do with the flowerbeds. It's going to get cold again, in the next week or so they say. But Spring is close.

We are planning to clean this weekend. My wife is ready to clean out, and I'm kindof looking forward to it myself. We do this periodically throughout the year (major cleaning, I mean - we do normal cleaning fairly regularly). But we seem to be better at it in the Spring. Or maybe it's just not such a drag in the Spring. I'm not sure, but it doesn't seem to be so bad when the weather turns nicer.

Spring training is getting underway also. It won't be long before the kids start getting ready for little league baseball. I wonder if little league is like it was when I was a kid. I remember having tryouts. It wasn't actually a tryout. It was more an attempt at leveling the teams. Then practice would start. I hated practice. Lots of running. My five minutes' worth of batting practice. Then shagging fly balls in the outfield. But then came Opening Day, and it was all worth it. Clean uniforms, anticipation, and the pure promise of a new season. On opening day, the season was born - a rebirth that is like many things in Spring.

I can't wait for April showers. And I love the May Flowers that come with it. I love the smell of the grass and the beautiful 75 degree days. I'm ready to go for a walk by the lake with my wife.

Spring has always been my favorite time of year. I love the warmth of summer, and I can get into a good winter storm - once per year or so, thank you. Fall is a nice break from the hot summers (I like them, but they get old sometimes). But Spring is always full of promise. This year, just like every other, I'm ready to enjoy it...right after I finish cleaning.

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